Their particular experience given that a nursing assistant when you look at the Crimean Combat was indeed foundational in her opinions throughout the practices

Their particular experience given that a nursing assistant when you look at the Crimean Combat was indeed foundational in her opinions throughout the practices

Florence Nightingale (1820-1910), also known as “Your woman Towards the Light,” is actually an uk nurse, social reformer and statistician most widely known just like the creator of modern medical. She founded St. Thomas’s Medical together with Nightingale Studies University for Nurses in 1860. Their operate so you can reform healthcare significantly swayed the grade of care in the 19 and you will 20 ages.

Florence Nightingale: Early Lifetime

Florence Nightingale was given birth to on may twelve, 1820, within the Florence, Italy to help you Frances Nightingale and you may William Coastline Nightingale. She was young of several pupils. Nightingale’s wealthy British nearest and dearest belonged so you can elite social groups. Their particular mommy, Frances, hailed regarding a household regarding merchants and got pleasure within the connections with people away from common social status. Even with their particular mom’s interest in social-climbing, Florence herself is actually apparently uncomfortable inside social factors. She well-known to cease as being the center of attention as much as possible. Strong-willed, Florence have a tendency to butted brains together with her mother, just who she viewed as excessively dealing with. Pokračovat ve čtení „Their particular experience given that a nursing assistant when you look at the Crimean Combat was indeed foundational in her opinions throughout the practices“