Other movie is the regular post-purchase partner movie having a relationship triangle twist

Other movie is the regular post-purchase partner movie having a relationship triangle twist

Regrettably, Ethan is married, and Katia has to marry to stay in the country. But, inside a twist out-of fate, we are delivered in order to Harvey, Ethan’s companion and you will a private detective. Harvey has recently learned you to definitely his wife is cheating on him, and he try freshly divorced. Thus, the three in the near future struck a great deal – Harvey and Katia usually get married to make sure that she will stay in the world, and you may Ethan offers Harvey the money the guy has to diving-start their novelist field. Although reluctant to start with, Harvey welcomes the offer and marries Katia.

Harvey and you can Katia in the near future find out there is alot more on the wedding than absolute comfort. Upcoming, while the silly as it can sound, Katia starts cheating for her spouse together with her spouse. Pokračovat ve čtení „Other movie is the regular post-purchase partner movie having a relationship triangle twist“